Welcome to the first archive documentating the artwork of 26 named Senufo carvers from 1900 till today. We present antique and recent sculptures, from Kpelié masks to Tugubele statues, of so-called masters and not that famous carvers.
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The vision
The carver should speak directly to us. Rarely auction houses or galleries can name the actual carver of an African object. No wonder that the extraordinary prices are artificially and not artisticly based.
The notion
This is the first online database that is structured by the names of the Senufo carvers. You will have an insight of the artistic characteristics and it might help you to determine the origin of your objects. Learan more about certain specific objects of the Senufo tribe in the blog, such as Kpelié masks, Tugubele statues or other carved objects of daily use.
The passion
The African sculpture still provides inspiration for contemporary art and design. In our blog, we bring this aesthetication together and do present, that African art is not just a decoration or object of speculation.
The content in this category is in English. All our images have copyright markings. Feel free to download our content and images. In case you publish or share our content or an image on other platforms, like Facebook or Pinterest, please name the source and link to this website. All images are highly detailed printed with more information in our books, available in the category "Kunstbücher".
A big "Thank you!" to Souleymane Arachi for providing so many information and for the authentic images.
Content and images by Markus Ehrhard, Copyright 2012-2023.
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